Guest Book

Although signing the guestbook has never been my favorite thing to do when visting sites, I encourage you to stop by to say a few words and let me know your thoughts on my work. Since I created this site specifically for my friends, family and clients, it only seems right to hear the thoughts of the people whose opinions mean the most. Also if you happen to enjoy the work you've seen here and want to have some photographs of your own taken by yours truly, please leave me a message here and I will get back with you as soon as possible. The artistic value of life is immeasurable. Let me turn your life into art.

Comments: 12
  • #12

    seks telefon (Tuesday, 25 October 2016 16:32)


  • #11

    Joyce (Thursday, 07 May 2015 08:47)

    I just want to say that I am soooo proud of you!!! God has given you the most awesome gift of photography to share with the world!! They are so touching that you automatically start smiling while looking at them! Not saying this because you are my child, but your work is the upmost in capturing the true life in every shot!!!!!! Love you and keep up the good work! I think I will have some of me taken also for the family!

  • #10

    Leah Owens (Thursday, 05 March 2015 15:44)

    These are beautiful Astria! You are a wonderful artist! I will need you to do shots of my family soon! Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!!!!

  • #9

    English Cocker Spaniel (Thursday, 05 March 2015 15:43)

    Great website!

  • #8

    Jay (Thursday, 05 March 2015 15:42)

    Nice pics homie, looks like you found a special gift inside of you, do your thing!

  • #7

    Denise-Monique's Friend/CoWorker (Thursday, 05 March 2015 15:41)

    Wow, these pics have left me inspired and awed. I sure am glad that Monique told me about this site. Thank you for sharing your wonderful vision and view of the world with all of us. Keep up the wonderful gift from God and always follow your inspiration!

  • #6

    Lana & Keneywa (Thursday, 05 March 2015 15:40)

    Nice pics! Where is my girl T.T need more pic of her next time we hang bring your camera and Malibu LOL

  • #5

    Valarie Walker (Thursday, 05 March 2015 15:39)

    Nice pics sis! Would request my picture be taken off silly nut!

  • #4

    LaKeisha Austin-Jackson (Thursday, 05 March 2015 15:38)

    hi sweetie!!girl your pictures are beautiful so how much u
    charge? im definitly booking u 4 our wedding!! luv ya girl keep
    up the beautiful work. take care holla at ur girl sumtimes

  • #3

    Kelly Dunn (Thursday, 05 March 2015 15:36)

    Hey Astria!! You're website is awesome. Very cool pictures. Are any of your photographs for sale? Well gotta go, see you at work.

  • #2

    Daniela Ellis (Thursday, 05 March 2015 15:35)

    Say boo! Look at you working it on the website and all. Watch out now! OH my the picture of the Lil baby girl with food all over her mouth I love. Aw and I love the ones of my parents. Keep up the great work. I will be setting up an appointment with you for NIKO S BABY!

  • #1

    Marlayna Hollins (Thursday, 05 March 2015 15:32)

    I am completely honored to be the first to leave a message for you. First I would like to tell you that you know when you have come across a true artist when their work moves you. Your work had me in tears. Those pictures are BEAUTIFUL. I really felt like I knew the people in the pictures, like I was there. I was going to say which was my favorite but as I kept watching the show, they became more and more touching. You are truly gifted and I had NO idea you had that type of talent. I think your camera is the best gift you could ever get. It allows you to express yourself through your work. You have an eye for catching life and memories in the making. I'm waiting on your price list. Mark my words, you WILL be the photographer for my wedding. Be ready to make a trip for a gig in San Antonio!!

Comments: 10
  • #10

    Tim (Thursday, 05 March 2015 15:44)

    You are VERY talented indeed, love all the pics! stay with it:)

  • #9

    Todd Jensen (Thursday, 05 March 2015 15:43)

    HEY! When are you going to take my photos?

  • #8

    Shawna (Thursday, 05 March 2015 15:42)

    Girl you definitely have an eye for genuine art. I truely enjoyed your photos. Keep on chasing that dream of yours. World reknowed Astria..I think i'm loving the sound of that;0). Watch out world here she comes!!!

  • #7

    Nique Caldwell (Thursday, 05 March 2015 15:41)

    Wow sis, you've done some really great photos here. At first I thought I was over emotional about them because it's my sister and they're pictures of my family that I haven't seen in a long time. But as I went through them all, plus shared them with friends here, I realized that they meant so much to me because it was beauty captured by one of the most beautiful people that I know. You're so extremely talented and as your little sister, I still look up to you. I really can't wait to see what you'll do next

  • #6

    Joyce Packer (Thursday, 05 March 2015 15:40)

    These are the most beautiful pictures that I have ever seen!!!! The music that you chose for each matches them so perfectly. I am not just saying this because I am your mother either!!! God has bless you with such great talent. Don't let it slip away!!!!!

  • #5

    Latina Sabb (Thursday, 05 March 2015 15:39)

    Viewed with Olivia.

  • #4

    Tobias Ellis (Thursday, 05 March 2015 15:37)

    Hey babe! I love the webpage. There is only one problem...there are way too many pictures of me on here. LOL!!! I guess i'll have to take you out to take more pictures more often. Keep up the great work!!!

    Love ya;


  • #3

    Ria (Thursday, 05 March 2015 15:37)

    Girl those are some great pictures! you have alot about to get started!

  • #2

    Kenric (Thursday, 05 March 2015 15:36)

    loving the photos sista, and without a doubt, the website is very creative ( great choice in music too!!) Continue to do all things through Christ, and He will lead you to success!!

  • #1

    Adrian Walker (Thursday, 05 March 2015 15:33)

    True Artist! Yep and she's My sister. Don't Hate
    Seriously though I love the photos they are truly amazing, who knew you had such a good eye. Just think if you are this good now I can only image how awesome and untouchable you will be in a couple of months. Yep you're hired for everything I do. Love ya Big Sis keep up the good work.